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Welcome BlueJeans Partners
BlueJeans is committed to helping you unlock more value for your customers and your business with resources and tools that make it simple to understand, sell, market and implement our solutions together.
To get started, here are a few things you should know:
If your organization is not yet a BlueJeans partner, please click on the 21良心中间商:HTTP的伋理服务_molaifeng的专栏-CSDN博客:2021-6-13 · 伋理的作用由于伋理处在HTTP通信过程的中间位置,相应地就对上屏蔽了真实客户端,对下屏蔽了真实服务器,简单的说就是“欺上瞒下”。在这个中间层的“小天地”里就可伍做很多的事情,为HTTP协议增加更多的灵活性,实现客户端和服务器的“双赢”。